
Comprehensive community rheumatological evaluations.


Comprehensive community rheumatological evaluations.


Comprehensive community rheumatological evaluations.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Comprehensive medical evaluation of rheumatoid arthritis.

The journey starts with an accurate diagnosis. Are your painful joints rheumatoid arthritis, or do you have one of the many other inflammatory polyarthritis conditions? How best can the diagnosis be investigated and confirmed? What treatment options do you have? There are so many questions and so many treatment options.

An accurate understanding of your diagnosis leads to understanding the many treatment options. Over the past few decades, much has changed regarding what is possible to care for patients with rheumatoid arthritis. However, the focus should not be on a specific treatment but on understanding the patient's care needs and formulating a safe, appropriate, and patient-specific treatment plan. Dr. Klaus will focus on meeting your care needs and explaining your treatment options in pain, using nonmedical language so that you can understand which treatment options are available. Utilizing the time-honored informed consent process will empower you to engage actively in your arthritis management. This treatment plan will consider your specific medical care needs and give you hope for a brighter future.

Let Dr. Klaus help you navigate the confusing landscape, cutting through diagnostic confusion, helping you understand management and treatment options, and navigating the tightrope of medication safety and efficacy while keeping an eye on what is most important to you. Get Rheum to Stride.

Community services include:

  • Reviewing of patient history and prior therapies

  • Rheumatological examination

  • Reviewing current lab tests and imaging

  • Evaluation of disease activity

  • Discussion of management options, including disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD) therapy

Get started today

Get started today


rheumatology clinic of Dr. Klaus

A wide range of Rheumatology services

specialist consultations


T: (813) 214-5420

F: (813) 441-7825

Office Hours:

Mon–Fri: 8:30am–5pm

Sat: 8:30am-1pm

Sun: Closed

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rheumatology clinic of Dr. Klaus

A wide range of Rheumatology services

specialist consultations


T: (813) 214-5420

F: (813) 441-7825

Office Hours:

Mon–Fri: 8:30am–5pm

Sat: 8:30am-1pm

Sun: Closed

© BlushThemes™. All rights reserved.


rheumatology clinic of Dr. Klaus

A wide range of Rheumatology services

specialist consultations


T: (813) 214-5420

F: (813) 441-7825

Office Hours:

Mon–Fri: 8:30am–5pm

Sat: 8:30am-1pm

Sun: Closed

© BlushThemes™. All rights reserved.