
Comprehensive community rheumatological evaluations.


Comprehensive community rheumatological evaluations.


Comprehensive community rheumatological evaluations.

Long COVID & Vax

Comprehensive medical evaluation of Long Vax and Long COVID, post-COVID condition, or post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Are you suffering from fatigue, diffuse muscle pain, or "brain fog"? Do you have more questions than answers, and are you being ignored or told that all the tests are "normal," yet you feel that your health has never been so compromised? With the authorities' lack of clear treatment directions comes the need for critical thinking and compassionate care. No patient wants to have spike-related disease, yet too often, the existence of this reality and the treatment protocols courageous physicians have designed are being ignored. At this time, we need to return to humility, honest medicine, and compassionate care, especially for patients who continue to suffer. By exploring creative "off-label" management, such as suggested by the FLCCC protocols, while honoring the importance of informed consent, hope for improvement can again blossom. Let Rhem to Stride guide the way.

Community services include:

  • Reviewing of patient history and prior therapies

  • Rheumatological examination

  • Reviewing current lab tests and imaging

  • Evaluation of disease activity

  • Discussion of management options, including disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD) therapy and novel, off-label spike-lowering treatment options

Get started today

Get started today


rheumatology clinic of Dr. Klaus

A wide range of Rheumatology services

specialist consultations


T: (813) 214-5420

F: (813) 441-7825

Office Hours:

Mon–Fri: 8:30am–5pm

Sat: 8:30am-1pm

Sun: Closed

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rheumatology clinic of Dr. Klaus

A wide range of Rheumatology services

specialist consultations


T: (813) 214-5420

F: (813) 441-7825

Office Hours:

Mon–Fri: 8:30am–5pm

Sat: 8:30am-1pm

Sun: Closed

© BlushThemes™. All rights reserved.


rheumatology clinic of Dr. Klaus

A wide range of Rheumatology services

specialist consultations


T: (813) 214-5420

F: (813) 441-7825

Office Hours:

Mon–Fri: 8:30am–5pm

Sat: 8:30am-1pm

Sun: Closed

© BlushThemes™. All rights reserved.